Cher Monsieur/ Madame,
J essaye d appeller le numeros sur le site du consult de France de Cebu
mais le numeros est pas correct.
Pouvez vous me faire parvenir le numeros pour que je puis avoir un rendez vous pour un visa de Schengen pour ma femme.
Mes salutations distingue
Monsieur Romuald Marie
Mehdi Badaoui
I would need an appointment to get a certificate to legal capacity to marry. When are you available ?
Thank you.
I would like to get an appointment for my French Passport Renewal on October 9,2023. I am from Davao City. Thank You Very Much.
You can send us update details on this form or you can also email is support[@] We will review Your updates and the changes may take effect within 7 working days.
French Honorary Consulate in Cebu City, Philippines
c/o Alliance Française de Cebu 371 Gorordo Avenue Cebu City Philippines
To help us improve